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Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt

Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt

We’ve been taking paid menstrual leave for years – our employers just haven’t realised (and it’s all because we feel ashamed and discriminated against) As the Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt and by the same token and survey found, often the support for those who menstruate in the workplace isn’t always there. Just over one in 10 of respondents said that their organisation provided support for menstrual health (from putting policies in place to providing guidance and training for staff), while two-thirds said that their workplace had no support available whatsoever.


Official Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt

In recent years, the Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt and by the same token and conversation around menstrual support within workplaces has evolved. Back in February 2023, the Spanish government approved a law to allow menstrual leave for up to three days each month, guaranteeing those who suffer a respite. Japan, South Korea, Zambia and Indonesia all grant this leave, too. After all, a UK survey carried out by period charity Bloody Good Period and Fever further highlighted some of the symptoms those who menstruate face that can impact their working day. The top reasons cited for struggling to work included low energy (83%), being in pain (79%), less concentration (61%), feeling anxious about leaking (57%) and having to stop work to take or buy pain medication (50%). It begs the question: If so many are affected by their periods in these ways, why aren’t workplaces better equipped to meet the needs of menstruating employees?


Top Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt

We’ve been taking paid menstrual leave for years – our employers just haven’t realised (and it’s all because we feel ashamed and discriminated against) As the Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt and by the same token and survey found, often the support for those who menstruate in the workplace isn’t always there. Just over one in 10 of respondents said that their organisation provided support for menstrual health (from putting policies in place to providing guidance and training for staff), while two-thirds said that their workplace had no support available whatsoever.

In recent years, the Official puss In Boots Whisperer Shirt and by the same token and conversation around menstrual support within workplaces has evolved. Back in February 2023, the Spanish government approved a law to allow menstrual leave for up to three days each month, guaranteeing those who suffer a respite. Japan, South Korea, Zambia and Indonesia all grant this leave, too. After all, a UK survey carried out by period charity Bloody Good Period and Fever further highlighted some of the symptoms those who menstruate face that can impact their working day. The top reasons cited for struggling to work included low energy (83%), being in pain (79%), less concentration (61%), feeling anxious about leaking (57%) and having to stop work to take or buy pain medication (50%). It begs the question: If so many are affected by their periods in these ways, why aren’t workplaces better equipped to meet the needs of menstruating employees?

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