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Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt

Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt

From that one auntie who keeps pressing about your love life, to your prodigal sibling who hasn’t lifted a finger all year. There are plenty of reasons not to be feeling great right now, is what I’m saying, and if your Christmas spirit feels less ‘flaming tequila shots’ and more ‘soured egg nog collecting dust on the Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt in other words I will buy this shelf’, then that is perfectly okay. Things are really, really hard for a lot of us and it’s fine to say that, to admit to yourself that there’s a heaviness to the celebrations this year, that your heart is not quite as in it as you’d hoped. There’s no shame if this year has felt pretty rubbish and if you’re not heading towards the festive season on a fizzy wave of good cheer.


Official Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt

At parties or events I’ve asked both friends and strangers alike how they’re really, actually doing, and most of them have told me a variation of the Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt in other words I will buy this same story. People are hanging in there, but very few are truly thriving. There’s always an addendum or a qualification to their good mood. They’re excited for Christmas, but mostly because they’re exhausted and it means a break from work. They’re looking forward to the day itself, but mostly just for the children in the family. They’re happy, but they’re sad too. They’re doing well, but only if they don’t think too much about what’s going on in the world. They’re not okay, but they’re alright.


Top Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt

From that one auntie who keeps pressing about your love life, to your prodigal sibling who hasn’t lifted a finger all year. There are plenty of reasons not to be feeling great right now, is what I’m saying, and if your Christmas spirit feels less ‘flaming tequila shots’ and more ‘soured egg nog collecting dust on the Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt in other words I will buy this shelf’, then that is perfectly okay. Things are really, really hard for a lot of us and it’s fine to say that, to admit to yourself that there’s a heaviness to the celebrations this year, that your heart is not quite as in it as you’d hoped. There’s no shame if this year has felt pretty rubbish and if you’re not heading towards the festive season on a fizzy wave of good cheer.

At parties or events I’ve asked both friends and strangers alike how they’re really, actually doing, and most of them have told me a variation of the Funny real women love football smart women love the Alabama Crimson Tide hearts diamond 2024 shirt in other words I will buy this same story. People are hanging in there, but very few are truly thriving. There’s always an addendum or a qualification to their good mood. They’re excited for Christmas, but mostly because they’re exhausted and it means a break from work. They’re looking forward to the day itself, but mostly just for the children in the family. They’re happy, but they’re sad too. They’re doing well, but only if they don’t think too much about what’s going on in the world. They’re not okay, but they’re alright.

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